Good things and better outcomes happen when we try something new. It may be trying a new way of doing what you are currently doing or start doing something completely new. On the other hand, if you keep doing what you’ve been doing for the past few years, you’ll only get the same results you’ve been receiving. So, to get better results, you need to try something different.
While most of us understand this intellectually, there is something preventing us from attempting something new in life – be it a technique, process, work, company, or mundane activity. And that is nothing more than FEAR. Fear is the number one impediment to attempting new things and improving our own performance.
Here are a few of the most common reasons why people don’t try new things:
Reluctance To Rock The Boat:
We don’t want to jeopardise our current level of comfort. Though we all want better outcomes, we don’t want to give up the security we have now. The unfortunate aspect is that the comfort we sense is not genuine comfort, but rather something to which we have adapted over time. This erroneous sense of comfort makes it difficult for us to take the crucial first move that throws gravity out the window.

Reluctance To Be At The Bottom:
Nobody enjoys defeat. Why? Because failing implies you’ve reached rock bottom. Similarly, when you begin something new, you are at the bottom. This sense of being at the bottom, of being a beginner, of making errors and coping with early setbacks prevents us from being open to attempting something new in our lives. After all, who wants to be regarded as a novice?

Reluctance To Deal With Uncertainty:
Fear is the result of ambiguity. Take a look back at your past and you will notice that uncertainty about the outcome was a major contributing element in it. We are afraid when we are not sure what the outcome will be. We never fear when we are certain of the outcome – even if the outcome is unfavorable, the feeling that dominates us is not fear, but sadness and/or helplessness.

So what is the way out? An effective strategy to deal with this fear is to think about the loss you would incur if you say no to attempting something new or different. Here are 3 such questions that can propel you to act even if you are experiencing the self-limiting emotion of fear.
What if I do not achieve my goals?
Even though there is nothing wrong with wanting to stay safe and stay in a familiar space, it will prevent us from bettering ourselves and finding a better standard of living. Therefore, next time you are restrained by the fear, ask yourself what all benefits are you letting go by confining yourself to the comfort zone.
What if I do not start now?
True, it is quite intimidating to be seen as a beginner. It is also very embarrassing to make mistakes like a novice. But what if the only choice before you is to do it? This is another way of motivating yourself. Consider this as the only choice left. Consider it as the last chance. This will automatically motivate you to give it a try.
How have I dealt with uncertainty in the past?
Dealing with the unknown indeed is a nerve-wrecking process. It can force us to shy away from venturing into uncharted territories. But the fact is that we ignore how well we have dealt with uncertainties in the past. Yes, we all have a proven track record of dealing with the unknown. Just think of all the new things you have dealt with and succeeded in the past year. It definitely will boost the trust you have in yourself. In addition to that, try something mundane on a regular basis that has an element of uncertainty contained in it. This regular practice will help to remove the fear of uncertainty and soon you will witness yourself embracing uncertainty and enjoying it.

Developing a desire to be different is another way to surmount the fear of beginning something new or going down uncharted paths. Understand how heroes accomplished something that had never been done before and succeeded. An excellent illustration is Shahrukh Khan. He chose to portray anti-hero roles and gave a new dimension to Bollywood. This choice to branch out helped him achieve new heights of glory. Similarly, while everyone was attempting to emulate Bruce Lee’s actions and movements in his films, Jackie Chan did the exact reverse and captured the hearts of the world.
The world is ever changing, and that too at a pace which we cannot imagine! To be a consistent performer in this world, you should be ready to change anytime, anywhere, lest you will be pushed back with no mercy. There can be umpteen valid reasons to refrain from trying something new. But remember, life is an adventure, and there’s always potential for growth when you summon the courage to try something new! So, don’t be afraid to take the plunge and explore uncharted waters. Who knows? It might open up a whole world of possibilities!