Keeping our brain fresh and energized is the key to bettering performance – and this is especially true when it comes to trading in stocks, forex, and commodities. While good food, good exercise, and good sleep can go a long way in keeping our brain fresh and efficient, we also need to rewire our brain to yield maximum benefit from this best and most trusted tool of all traders.
To understand what rewiring means, let us consider this very simple analogy of walking through a forest.
You can see from the image above that there is no clear path to walk. But if you walk a few times through this same area, gradually a path will get developed. Then your journey will become easier and smoother. And more such pathways developed over time would mean an even smoother journey.

Brain is no different from this forest. We have billions of nerve cells in our brains called neurons. Each neuron is connected to other neurons in many ways. It is through these connections or pathways that these neurons “talk to each other.” The more the neurons talk to each other, the better would be the performance of the brain. Hence, the key towards enhancing the performance of our brain is to increase the connections (or to create new pathways) between the neurons. In other words, if we can generate new neurons and help them to form new connections, then we can significantly improve the efficiency of our brain. And that improved efficiency will obviously have its reflections in our trading performances too.
So how do we rewire our brain?
Since the brain is the most complex organ in our body, you may think that rewiring is a complex and highly involved process. But it actually is not. With very simple and mundane steps, you can rewire your brain and improve your performance. Here are three simple ways to rewire your most valued brain.
Be Different
Doing your daily tasks with a difference may sound very trivial, but it in fact has a telling impact on your brain. For instance, if you are in the habit of doing forward bends as part of your exercise program in the morning, then try to do the forward bend in a completely different way. Your routine would be to stand straight and bend forward and touch the floor – but try some other way. Start with the squatting position. Place both palms on the ground. Now lift your buttocks up so as to arrive at the forward bent position. The final result is not the focus here. Rather the key is doing the same task in a different manner. You can apply this wisdom to even the mundane tasks that you do as part of your daily life. This method of doing things differently will create new neural pathways in your brain.

Be Repetitive
Research has shown that doing something in a different manner just for once will not do the trick. To get visible results, the new neural pathway that you created must be strengthened. The key here is repetition. Recollect our earlier analogy where we discussed walking through the same path several times to make it a well-defined one. In the same way, you need to practice the new method of doing things frequently to strengthen the new neural pathway.

Be Mindful
As rewiring is a process that involves our body, brain, mind, and intellect, you should be completely mindful of whatever task you do. Being aware of what you do. Being mindful of what is happening in your body and mind will help your brain to register it and learn from it to form newer and healthier neural networks.

But just being mindful is not enough. You should view every event that happens in your life, every task that you do in a positive perspective. When you view something from a healthy perspective, you are actually focusing on your happiness pathways. This focus would develop and strengthen the connections or the pathways in your brain. These pathways gradually develop a habitual pattern in your career, finance, relationships, etc.
By observing these three simple points in your life, you can rewire your brain and make it a far superior organ that can deliver incredible results!